
Friday, July 19, 2019

The Vandalism of the Vrindavan of Sri Sri Vyasa Raya/Thirta

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

The Vrindavan of Sri Sri Vyasa Tirtha, the great philosopher and author of the single most important exposition of Dwita philosophy, Tatparya Chandrika., was utterly vandalized on the night of the 15th of July. There has been a series of attacks on Sanatana Dhrama and its sacred sites but the silence regarding the destruction and desecration of saced sites associated with Hindu Dharma in the main stream Media suggests that there is a concerted and well entrenched effort to further the divide and polarise Indian society for politcal reason and I think the so called secularists are primarily responible for this sorry state of affairs. A stone thrown at a Church caused international outrage but silence surrounds the deliberate vandalism of one of the most important sacrend sites of the Madhva Faith.

The photograph on the left shows the utter vandalism of a sacred site for the Madhav Samaj and Sanatana Dharma at large. The political crisis in Karnataka with the Vokkaliga dominated JD(S) Government tottering at the brink of collapse only makes the situation a lot more serious. In India, Hindus and their sacred sites and practices have become targets of large scale attack. Starting with the assault on the sanctity of the Sabrimala Temple and more recently the order in the Richa case in which a young girl was ordered to distribute a book, the Quoran, as part of her bail conditions and the repeated attacks on festivals and celebrations of the Hindu community inWest Bengal and elsewhere demonstrate that in the name of secularism, anti Hindu ideologies are being weaponized and the destruction of the vrindavan of Vyasa Tirtha is just one example. The lack of media coverage in the mainstream press itself shows the extent to which Indian religious sentiments stand marginalized.

Vyasa Raya/Tirtha (AD 1447-1539) is one of the most prominent philosophers of the medeival period. He was closely associated with the Saluva king, Saluva Narasimha who seized the city of Vijayangra and ovethrew the Sangama Dynasty. Krishnadevara the most celebrated monarch of the Vijayanagara Empire was closely associated with Vyasa Tirtha. The fact that the General of Saluva Narsimha, Narasa Nayaka, was the father of Krishnadevaraya and after the death of Vira Naahshimha occupied the throne goes to show that Vyasa Tirtha was a player in the dynastic and court politics of the Tuluvas. That he was favoured by the Vijayanagara King cannot be in any doubt as there are incriptions recording the gifts given by the Emperor. The Tirumala Tirupathi Temple was palce under the direct supervision of Vyasa in A D 1515. Till this day there is a Vyasa Mutt in Tirumala attesting to this early association. 1524 was a particularly bad year for Krishnadevaraya. His young son Tirumala died leaving the King heirless and heartbroken. Tales of instrigue swirled around this unfortunate event and the fate of Timmappa the loyal Minister was sealed as a consequence. The Conjunction of Nine Planets which was observed all over the world left its mark on Vijayanagara in the forom of Kuhayoga. Somanatha, the poet who composed the Vyasayoga Charitam has drwan pointed attention to this event.

The vandalism of the vrindavan of Sri Sri Vyasa Tirtha is a crime and it must be investigated. The Kumaraswamy Government tried to pass of this great claamity as the work of treasure hunters. This is an absurdity as eveyone knows that nothing of "value" in am material sense is burried within a vridavan. For the Madhvas the vridavan has great scacred value in that it represents the smrithi or sacred memory of the saint. Centuries of adoration and worship of that memory has freat spiritual significane and Vyasa Tirtha aranks along side Narahari Tirtha and Jaya Tirtha as great savants of Dwaita philosophy. Madhvas all over the world are in a state of shock after hearing the vandalism of this very important site of memory,lieu de memoire.

There is a graet deal of noise in the white world about India becoming intolerant. A concerted effort is made to project the followers of Sanatana Dharma as intolerant. The destruction of the vrindavan of Sri Sri Vyasa Tirtha clearly demonstrtes that Hinsus are the victims of intolerance. The Central Government under Narendra Modi has the respobibility to arrest and punish those who did this crime. We do not have faith in the state Government.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Rusty and his Life : Lone Fox Dancing

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

Lone Fox Dancing: My Autobiography
Ruskin Bond
New Delhi: Speaking Tiger, 2017

Ruskin Bond, the reclusive writer living in Dhera Dun, is among India's best loved writers in English.  In today's identity conscious age when projection of fractured and imagined historical injustice, is the stuff of post colonial literature, it is refreshing to find a writer whose transparent prose stands testimony to a life well lived and with with absolutely no bitterness real or imagined against the people he has encountered in his life. This itself is a marked change from the vain self congratulatory autobiographies that flood the market. Indian bureaucrats who lived through the terrible UPA years have become autobiographers par excellence in order perhaps to exculpate the sins of omission and commission.  Ruskin Bond stands out as one who has reflected on his life, learned fromit and  gets ready for the inevitable, he has found peace within him.  All this is amply clear from the Lone Fox Dancing

Ruskin Bond was born to English parents in India. His father was an Officer in the Royal Air force stationed in India and Ruskin was deeply attached to him even as he witnessed his parent's marriage fall apart. After the is father when he was barely 10 years old felt a wound that never quite healed as he felt that his father was alive, ever ready to spring to his defence when needed. Later in life on a visit to the then Calcutta Ruskin made it a point to search out the grave. The tumultuous days of Partition were spent in Bishop Cotton School, Shimla.

Ruskin's description of life in Bishop Cotton reminded me for some strange reason of Billy Bunter the anti hero of our youthful days. Caning for minor infractions, rigid rules that defied comprehension and an obsession with physical exercises were the outstanding features of life in General Dyer's school.Perhaps the excellent Library at Bishop Cotton spurred Ruskin on to be  a writer. The memory of his holiday with his Mother at Father at Jamnagar as the guest of the Ruler is described in all poignancy as this was the only time the family was together. The vast difference in age between his parents and differences in temprement, his fater being serious and reflective and his mother very sociable and vivacious, tore the marrige apart and his mother went on to marry an Indian whose name we are not told. He is referred as "H" thoughout the book. Interestingly enough, Ruskin went on to be a tenant in the house of his step-father's first wife and got along well with his step sister and half brothers. Ruskin Bond's family part Indian part English would have made a post colonial writer weave a complex web of conceit trachery and racial hatered a la Toni Morrison or Arundatti Roy. But Ruskin is extremly correct in the way he has portrayed his family. About his Step Father he writes thst he treated him well and after his Mother's death looked after Ellen, the invalid sister of Ruskin and the daughter of his mother.

Ruskin Bond went to England a few years after Independence and lived in Jersey and London. He was well employed but somehow India drew him back and Bond settled in Dhera Dub where he found his calling as a wriyter. He loved the hills and all his stories are set in the Dhera Dun Hills. The moutains are full of dark tales and they have found an able chronicler in Ruskin Bond. He has writteen for all the Indiabn English magazines that we used to read as children and young adults: Illustrated Weekly of India, The Caravan, Shanker's Magazine. The money received from these magazines supported him and his extended family. Bond decided early in life to be a writer and made a success of that decision through grit and determination. It was not an easy life and Ruskin Bond, a celbrated writer today has seen days of penury.

Today he lives in a house built at the edge of a valley precariously perched over a ravine. It offers a spectacular view and Ruskin live with rakesh and his Family. I found it interesting that Ruskin Loves animals and the title of the book is from a poem he wrote when he saw a fox in a clearing in the woods near the hills:
I'm like the lone fox dancing
In the morning dew.

I enjoyed the book and I do reccomend this book to all aspiring writers. I too wanted to make my living through writing. But the uncertainity of life drove me to choose a more conventional profession. Yes I admire  such determined writers.