
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Animals in Combat: Is the use of Animals in Combat justified

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

K9 Hero honoured by Trump
The use of animals in warfare is as old as war itself. Elephants, Horses, Dogs, Dolphins, Donkeys and even bats have been used in war. The beautiful picture of President Trump honouring the dog that valiantly burst into the tunnel in which the iSIS leader, al Bagdadi had taken refuge raises an importat point: are we justied in using animals in war, combat or in situations in which anima life is considered expendable and therefore sacrificed.  Since animals do not have either the ability or the requirement to give their consent, the abuse of animals in the name of military serive is taken for granted. It is also a fact that when they have bravely discharged their assigned duties, they are put to sleep when they groiw old and are no longer needed in the Army. India too was following the practice of putting war animals especially Dogs and Horses to sleep when their day was done. It is to the eternal credit of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi that this inhuman tradition has been ended and animals declared old or unfit are sent to a State funded retirement home.

Ever since the beginning of warfare animals have been used in combat. tHE GREEK FRIEZE  in the British Museum is an early representaion of a horse in combat. We can see in the picture on the left horses are literally being strangled as they bear the weight of the hoplite and confront the enemy.  Herodotus the great historian was the first to draw attention to the courage shown byEques in combat. The Mongols who conquered and ruled the largest Empire in history used horses to ride into batte and with the stirrup which the Mongols invented harnessed the strength of the horse as a force against the enemy. It is said that a force of just 15,000 Mongol Horsemen coquered the Abbasid Empire. The knights of the middle ages faught on horseback and the tall horses were even equipped with armour. Certainly animals used in war were looked after well. Afterall the fate of battle depended on the health and strenght of the animal.

In World War I, on the battle field of Gallipoli withessed the most amazing animal of all performing its dities admist the dreary tench of death and cannonfire. Duffy, the donkey carried innumerable ANZAC soldiers to safety and a grateful country gave the highest military decoration to Duffy whose satute stands, I beleive, opposite the Parliament building in Canberra. The Donkey never flinched in the face of danger like the cannine hero who wom a military decoration in USA for his role in tracking down al Bagdadi.

While human have been grateful for the services and support provided by animals we have to raise the question: Are we justified in using animals in combat. The use of animals to sniff out drugs and mines does not pose an immediate dange to animals. However if they are sent to war their lives are put to risk. The justification for this is the Christian notion that Man has "Dominion" over animals. However, Sanathana Dharma eshews such simplistic notions. Animals are part of nature and putting them in harms way is certainly not justified.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Politics and Theory of the Nobel Prize in Economics: Why Abhijit Banerjee and Liberal Theory will not work

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

The announcement that Prof. Abhijit Banerjee and his wife have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics has been met with estatic glee by both the CPM and the Congress. This fact alone should alert us to the fact that Economic Policies and prescriptions are not altogether free of political and ideological biases.
Western Economic Theory has had an importnat place in Indian political discourse. Nehru adopted the Planned Economy model of Command Economy though the Planning Commission and ensured that India does not grown beyond 3.5% every year. Man Mohan Singh and the then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao opended up the economy and the growth sputtered to 9 to 10%. The Congress in its 2019 Manifesto promised a Universal Income of Rs 72,000 per family. This schem appartently was suggested by this year's Noble Prize winner, Dr Abijit Banerjee   and we will turn to this particular scheme as a proverty alleviating meaure.
The sub prime lending crisis that hit the American Market and let to a Global slowdown in the Worls Economy and more recently the recession that was partly mitigated by huge infusion of funds from the Federal Reserves are all classical keynesian measures. India with its triple problem of Poverty Population and Politicians cannot be so sanguine about political theory offering a way out.
Abhijit Banerjee was afgainst the DeMonitization launcehed by the Hon ble Prime Minister. The economic theory underlying his approach is regnant with the amorality of liberal economic theory. The "Black Money" can be taxed at the consumption end and so it is not bad for the economy. The circulation of Balck Money was to the extent od 33% of the National GDP. And so when the money is spent some of it gets taxed or so the liberal theory goes. What this theory ignores is the fact that much of the politically generated Black Money was being sent abroad as the slew of procecutions now demonstrate and so was of no import as far as the Indian Economy went. Hence this precious assumption of Liberal Economic theory just does not hold any substance.
Another measure that these "poverrty economiists" advocate is untramelled Government spending. In fact the sort of Universal Income Scheme that the Congress promised would have resulted in stagfaltion and a complete melt down of the Economy. Why do I come to this conclusion. Because the whole venture was to be financed not through production of goods and services but thriough deficit financing. Hence it was poison from the word Go. Unfortunately our Left oriented economists cannot think beyond the Liberal economic theory.
What the present Governemnt has been doing is very sensible. It has tried to beep infation down while increasing public spending. The classic Macro Economic measures like interst rates, basis points reduction, lowering GST ect are all welcome measures while they do turn Liberal Economics on its heads has proved quite robust in dealing with the proble.
I would like the Union Government to invite the top economists from China for a one on one interaction to learn from the Chinses example. We must not be taken in by these entrpernuers of poverty.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

President Xi and Prime Minister Modi: Sino-Indian Relations at the crossroads

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

The Summit Meeting between President Xi of the Peoples'Republic of China and the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi at Mamallapuram on the shores of the Bay of Bengal is yet another milestone in the Statecraft of the Prime Minister. The success of his diplomacy is evident from the fact that the Chinese Government has come out with a statement that Kashmir is a bilateral issue and has to be settled between the two countries. This statement is essentially a reformulation of the Chinese position vis a vis India and it certainly augurs well for Sino Indian relations. It is very clear that the two great civilizational giants of Asia--India and China-- are taking steps towards a fundamental transformation in the state of existing relations. China with the dominance of a single party and India with the nationalist BJP Government enjoying a single party dopminance over the political system are both well placed to deal with the issues confronting them from a civilizational perspective. China has been far more successful in protecting its civilzation as the CCP except for the madness during the Cultural  Revolution is well palced to defend its Civilization. India with its corrupt multiparty democracy until quite receently aws incapable of effectively protecting its heritage. There is no doubt that Narendra Modi, a global leader in his own right and Presidentr Xi who like the Prime Minister has risen from the ranks are both well experienced statesmen  will make the effort to set both the great civilizations on a course correction path.

Apart from the border dispute and bickering over the OBOR investment in PoK, there is also the issue of the huge trade deficity with China. I am sure Modi will want China to buy more from India. China is now a global leader in Higher Education and India isn struggling to make the cut. It will be a good step if India learns from China's exprience and jettison American models as far as University education goes. The Indian elite which is "English" educated is quiite at home with US and it stirs up hostility over China. It is the same elite which writes petitions on every single incident and lobbied to have the then Chief Minister of Gujarat banned from entering US. India needs a new Asia centric vision and good relations with China is central to the realization of this dream, Afterall did not the great Chinese intelelctual Hu not say that India conquered China without sending a single soldier. This goodwill was lost due to the stupidity and cussedness of Jawaharlal Nehru and Modi is certainly right is steering a fresh furrow.

Looking back through centuries we can see India and China not as adversaries but as civilizational partners. Thepicture on theLeft is of the Chinese Pagodas or Buddhist Temples constructed near Nagapattinam, a major port from where pilgrims from China landed to visit Buddhist religious sites further to the north. Unfortunately, the towers were pulled down in 1858 by Jesuits missionaries. Buddhism was an importent strand in constituting good civilizational links with India. Yendu was the word by which the Chinese referred to India and is obviously a translitteration of Indus/Hindu. In the early historical text, Shi Ji, Shendu/yendu is referred to and it is obviously, Indus, the Great River. In the fourth century Faxian visited several places in India and records the presence of Buddhist viharas in Kanchipuram. Xuanzang and Yijing visited Nalanda in their search for Buddhist texts. We get a lot of information about Chinese perception about India from these books. Obviously as the Land of Buddha, India had a status far beyon that of a third rate post colonial State the Nehru wanted India to be.

There are references to Indians in Chinese records. Nanti/Zhu Nanti is a ship owner, obviously from India whose name is found in a Buddhist text, Chu sanzang ji ji. A Tamil temple built by merchants has been discovered in Guangzhou. A Tamil inscription found there records the presence of a diasporic mechant community in the flourishing port, once visited by Marco Polo.The technology for extrecting Sugar may have come from China and of course, Cinna Pattu or China silk is referred to even in Pallava inscriptions at Kanchipuram. South Indian physcians were valued in the Tang couts and Indian medicines were sought after in China. Jiva and Nagarjuna are frequently encountered in medical texts from China. The Tang Bureau of Astronomy had the Navagraha Samhita transklated as Jiuzhi li.  Qutam Zhuan, Gautama, was the son of Gautama Siddhartha who settled in Tang China. All these references culled from Tan Sen's book India China and the World; A Connected History show the deed and abiding links between India and China. The Mamallapuram Summit hopefully will reconnect India and China with their civilizational past.

The great Ming Admiral, Zheng He visitied South India diring his 7 voyages from China to Africa. The presence of Ming copper coins in South India attest to the trading linka. There are refences to the Pandyans of Madurai sending as many as seven trade missions to China. In Markanam on the Bay of Bengal coast of Tamil Nadu large number of Chinese coins of the type illustrated on the left have been found.
China was the world's largest producer of copper in the medieval world and perhaps was the source of copper used in South India.

The last chapter in Sino Indian relations is not happy as the troops who faught in the Opium Wars were sent from Madras. It was the Madras Regiment that faught and won China for Great Britain. It is a tragic episode in that opium grown in India was forced into China in order to finance the hugely profitable Tea Trade. India is still held in contempt for the role it played in forcing a Great Civilization like China to get addicted to Opium at the behest of its white masters. Perhpas this generation of Chinese will understand that India did not contorl its destiny and asa citizen I am ashamed of this chapter in India's past.

The Summit between India and China is off to agood start. Both Xi and Modi are experienced Statesmen and will set right the niggling problems inherited from the Nehruvian past. India inherited several problems from Nehu and the dynasty obsessed Congress Party and I am sure that the wisdom of Modi and Xi will set the tone for a new beinning.