P Chidambaram, the man who in now the Home Minister of India, should know that he did not win his Lok Sabha seat. He was declared the winner on the basis of the usual consideration, but this dothi clad Harvard returned police poses as if he is above the dirty level of Indian politics because he speaks flawless English. But in reality politicians like P Chidambaram and his dynastic fascist party the Congress has ensured the criminalisation of the Indian polity that any self respecting nationalist will feel that he has to liberate India from the clutches of such men who have perverted the ideals of India to serve petty personal and caste goals. In the name of democracy the politicians have enriched themselves and have set themselves as the custodians of Indian state. The world Party does not appear even once in the Indian constitution therefore this party based political system is actually a travesty of Indian constitution. Further the political parties are not even recognised in law: they are at best unincorporated associations and therefore in theory it should not be difficult to dismantle political parties using the methods of appropriate response.
The Naxalite movement that is strong in 20 states is the result of poor governance in which all funds for development are taken by the dominant castes in connivance with the political parties. The naxalite movement gains strength from the yawning divide between the political class and the labouring class. Unfortunately, the naxalite movement instead of surgically striking at the politicians is like any movement that has lost its ideological mooring is becoming increasingly a terrorist movement. According to the Report of the Home Ministry 4500 people have been killed in naxalite violence during the past 4 years. If the naxalites rid India of its politicians no one will complain, but unfortunately the indiscriminate violence unleashed by the naxalites in Chattisghar and Jharkhand make people wonder if there is any ideological essence left in the left movement.
The only way to tackle naxalite violence is to bring down the party based political system with its first past the winning post electoral system and replace it with proportional system of representation with to right of recall. I have no doubt that without thus change the naxalites will ultimately win because the politicians and political parties are very unpopular.
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on her recent visit to New Delhi pointedly drew attention to the fact that Shri P Chidambaram did not win the Lok Sabha seat. I revealed this fact so long ago.