
Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Raja, the Telecom Scandal and Political Corruption in India

Today A Raja, the former Telecom Minister is languishing in jail and both his own so-called Backward class dominated DMK and the Congress had absolutely no hesitation in making an example out of him. A few months back the former Chief Minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda was arrested and thrown into prison. In my blogs I have dealt extensively with both issues. It seems that the law has arms long enough only for dalits and tribal. Not a single backward class politician who in this madalised polity of ours have captured political power have been arrested and punished. My point is simple: Raja may be corrupt but so are 99% of the political personalities in India. The NDA Government headed by Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee was certainly a dedicated and fairly honest Government, but the people voted for the criminals who are now ruling India. Only Gujarat has shown native wisdom and had repeatedly voted for good governance in spite of sustained and motivated campaigns against the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Narendar Modi.

It is impossible to imagine a scandal of this magnitude without the active connivance of the higher ups in the UPA government and yet we have a Prime Minister who like Gandhi's monkeys believes that he saw no evil, spoke no evil and heard no evil. In short he was a silent spectator or worse an active abettor in the crime. It is high time the people of this dynasty obsessed country realise that as long as they vote for political parties that promote family and dynastic rule they are promoting corruption and nepotism. In a recent book on India Patrick French has shown that 100% of the younger members of Parliament are scions of political families and the woman's reservation bill in this situation will only enable daughters and daughters in law to enter the political fray.

Corruption is endemic in India and the system has failed to even identify the corrupt let alone punish them. The vast sums of money stashed away in foreign accounts only goes to prove that Indian politicians have systematically looted the country. In the 200 years of British loot the amount taken out of India was only a small fraction of the 1.3 trillion dollars which the politicians have looted from the Indian people. However, I will venture to add that the Indian Electorate will forget all this and will raise its hooves silently in favor of the criminals who govern India. In this context effort must be made to eliminate the criminals who masquerade as elected representatives of the people.

In MP the IAS couple the Joshis were found with 330 crores of ill gotten wealth. Sukh Ram was found with 3 crores in his puja room. Khetan Deasi, the Chairman of the Medical Council of India was found with 1 tonne of gold. My question is what action was taken. All these criminals are roaming free, while a dalit politician is in jail. It appears that the backward mandalised political groups have made a mockery of both democracy as well as rule of law. Who can forget the criminal misdeed of the Yadava chieftains, Mulayam, Pappu, Laloo etc.

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