
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

"Is Modi the Divider iin Chief" A Response to Aatish Taheer and TIME

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has been the target of malicious attacks ever since he became the Chief MInister of Gujarat in 2001 and the white liberal media has been maliciously targeting him from 2002, when the Gujarat Riots happened after the buring down of the train in Godhra in which 79 passengers returning from pilgrimage were killed. Since then there has been a steady barrage of unsubstantiated newspaper "articles" which have held Narendra Modi responsible for the Riots in Gujarat. This narrative was amplified by the the Congress Party which came to power on the strength of a self serving coalition in 2004. It may be stated that the Supreme  Court of India appointed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) and the Report exonerated Narendra Modi from any responsibility either of Omission or Commission. It is well known that more people were killed by Police firing than in the riots perse and this fact adds credence to the BJP claim that unlike the anti Sikh Riots of 1984 in which the Congressmen were let loose on the instigation of Rajv Gandhi and Arun Nehru, the Gujarat Riots of 2002 were expeditiously squelched. Police action against the rioters were prompt focused and decisive. Indeed the Congress Government which was ruling Madya Pradesh dis not send reinforcements requested by the Gujarat Government. Since then, a campaign was launched in concert with the Congress Party in India and the white International Liberal media which put all the blame for the riots on Modi, suppressing both the context as well as the Supreme Court monitored probe.

The first charge that Modi is populist is easily refuted. There has been no attempt on the part of Narendra Modi to initiate populist measures. In fact had he done so, there would not have been any doubt whatsoever about his election. The fiscal inclusion programme launched by Modi, his Clean India Campaign, his Medical Insurance Scheme are all important policy initiatives launched to improve the lives and living standards of the people. To mock such measures that enhance human dignity and trivialize them as populist is sheer cussedness. Secularism is another of the ideological shibboleths raised by Taseer. The Indian notion of secularism is decidedly founded on minority identity politics. The Constitution does not define Minorities and hence the Moslem population of India which is 120 million strong is treated a Minority. Infact, the failure of the Indian National Congress to safeguard the unity and integrity of India in 1947 itself suggests that the appeal of its ideology on the Moslems was rather weak. However, after Partition it successfully converted the Muslim population into a captive vote bank by demonizing the Hindu population. The Congress pursued a successful electoral strategy of combining Populism with Minority appeacement and Narendra Modi has rejected this policy. On the other hand, his social vision is inclusive in that he does not allow identity politics to determine the social equity measures and schemes like the Ujjal Yojana have benefited Moslems and Hindus alike.

The 5 years in which Modi has been in power has seen absolutely zero Communal clashes. Yet the liberal media in India alomg with a clutch of Bollywood personalities like Swara Bhaskar and Nazeeuddin Shah produced a narrative that mob lynching was popular and enjoys state support. Nothing could be more egregiously erroneous. The fact is that Cow vigilantism was highlighted during the course of the past five years and such incidents of "gau rakshaks" seizing cattle being smuggled across state borders in violation of the Law and Constitution have always taken place. Isolated incidents were strung together to create mass hysteria in the white world as if India was slipping into a barbaric age. And the attacks on Churches which prompted a host of Congress friendly "intellectuals" to return their National Awards were proved to be false flag attacks and those arrested for destroying Churches turned out to be mostly Christians and in one case a Moslem. The Jabua Nun Rape case accused turned out to be an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh. The damage caused by false media reports were not successfully repaired by the BJP which though well organised lacks intellectual ballast and hence such reports went largely uncontested.

Taseer makes ugly comparisons. Modi is not an Indian version of Bolsonaro of Brazil or Erdogan of Turkey. In both these instances the political power weilded by these men is backed by the threat of Military force. The Press is suppressed and there is hardly any dissent/ The fact that aatish Taseer is able to write and publish his trash and that has not been proscribed or banned itseld is proof that the Modi Government does not suppress Freedom of Expression. There has been a steady barrage of abuse directed at the Prime Minister. Sonia Gandhi called his "muth ka saudagar" Merchant of Death. One Congree Leader referred to him as "neech" a word that denotes contempt. Abuse is the only challenge that Modi faces and he has not bothered to respond. Rahul Gandhi the Crown Prince of the dynasty obsessed Congress Party calls his a "thief" in every public meeting. Just once Modi turned around and slapped Rahul across the face by pointing out the politically significant fact that Rajiv Gandhi had a major role in the Bofors Scandal.

Congreess Mukth Bharath the stated goal of the Modi Campaign is based on the recognition that Crime Corruption and Communalism are part of the political DNA of the Congress Party. 1984 anti Sikh Riots, the large scale corruption of the UPA regime particularly the 2G Spectrum Scandal and the constant appeasement of Muslims are all proof of the degradation in the political sphere. And Dynastic Politics is inherently anti democratic.

Aatish Taseer, the son of a Pakistani father and an Indian Mother should have been more circumspect in his writing. Brought up in India, he knows the reality. He has chosen to write a piece of garbage for the white liberal. Institutions have been stressed due to the bad language of the ruling Congress Party. The attempt to intimidated the Supreme Court by an attempt at impeachment of the Chief Justice attempted by the Congress which was reduced to a Herd of 44 only showed the desperation of the Congress. The attacks on the Election Commission of India and the Reserve Bank of India are not the work of the Modi Government.

The General Elections of 2019 are not yet over. One Phase is still left and the foul language of the Congress Dynastic Fascist courtiers all suggest a desparation. Modi has served the people of India. It is hoped that people have the intelligence to vote for a man who has contributed constructively to India and punish those responsible for inflicting huge damage to the Indian Economy. I will not be surprised if Modi gets around 270 to 290 seats in the May 2019 Elections.

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