
Friday, January 15, 2021

K R Malkani's Political Mysteries A Bird's Eye View of the Scandals of Mdern India

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

Political Mysteries
K R Malkani
Ocean Books Pvt Ltd
New Delhi

K R Malkani remains to my mind an unforgetable character. I got to know him well when he was the Lt. Governor of Pondicherry and found interacting with him a learning experience. He was a man of endowed with great intellectual capacity and a steel fortified integrity. I knew him well over the course of his stay in Pondicherry as the Lt Governor and he has left a mark here. He was accessible and did not let prtocol come in the way while helping commn people. He was the editor of Organizer for several years and while in Office he  publishe India First, and I cherish the autographed copy of the book he presented me. As he is not amongst us any more I pay respect to his memory. I will always remember Shri K R Malkani. 

The book under review is an interesting selection from some of the lead articles he wrote for the publications he edited. As a journalist, Shri Malkani was unlike the sorry breed today that brandishes fake Harvard credentials, deeply committed to the rigorous pursuit of inconvenient truths. He was well read and could place a seemingly disparate assemblege of facts in a convincing well researched narrative. Most of the pieces collected in this small volume deal with issues that raised considerable interest in its day and though question lingered on, the politisised Media did not pursue truth to its quarry. Malkani was different. He raised tricky questions and sought to answer them without mincing words. Pretty euphemisms were not for him. He was a founding member of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh along with Atal Behari Vajpayee, Advani and Balraj Madok. And he remained true to his convictions until the very end. Except  for a term as a Rajya sabha member and one year as Lt Governor of pondicherry, Malkani did not hold any public office. And he did not let the trappings of high office distory either his vision or his personality. When he passed away, Pondicherry mourned as though it had lost its own.

State sponsored historians generally avoid raising twi issue: One did Nehru and his Congress Party fall into the trap of the British as executed by Mountbatten rush headlong towards Partition without thinking of altenatives. By bringing forward the date of Independence from August 1948 to August 1947 Nehru created conditions that led to an ill prepared and badly executed plan of Partition and all its horrors can be placed at the feet of this man. Malkani brings out his fact along with the shabby manner in which Nehru dealt with Subash Cahndra Bose. While he goes along with the generally accepted theory of the Air Crash in Taiwan killing Bose, Malkani sees a more direct hand of the then Government. Was Bose sacrificed in order to save the Japanese Emperor from facing charges related to Japan's war time atrocities in South East Asia. The non serious Commissions of Inquiry appointed b successive Congress regimes shows lack of interest, ifv not complicity. The second issue pertains to the series of crimes that have taken place in India during successive Congress regimes for which answers are not forthcoming. Though he does not use the term, kleptocracy, sums up the Congress approach to politics and the fig leaf of fake secularism is bandied about as alibi.

As a major and senior leader of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, Malkani is obviously interested in the mystery surrounding the murers f Shyama Prasad Mukerjee and Deen Dayal Upadhya. It is obvious from the sequence of events that Shyama Prasad Mukerjee was treated with particular callousness that resulted in his death. A diabetic if deprived of insulin for 40 days is bound to die and so Nwhru should have intervened and saved his life. As in the case of Bose, perhaps Gandhi as well, Nehru had Sheikh Abdullah do the dirty deed for him. As fr Deen Dayal it was certainly a case of planned assasination at Mughalsarai Junction and Indira Gandhi did not even try hanging a fig leaf over this hrrible crime. I would like to add one more which Malkani has nt discussed. The brutal assasination of L N Mishra at Samastipur Railway Station. A few Anand Margis were arrested. But it is now clear that higher ups in the congress Party were interested in seeing the end of L N Mishra whose role in the State Trading Corpration Scandal was unraveling.

Malkani is also very critical of the role played by Indira Gandhi and the Congress is extending support to Bhindrenwale and his Khalistani movement, The cynical calculation behind this destructive policy was the splitting of the Akali vote. Prakash Singh Badal had succeeded in winning a clear majority for the Akalis with the support of the BJ sangh. And Zail Singh and Indira decided n this dangerus game. The fall out of Indira's self destructive policies was of course her own death, the terrible Massacre of Sikhs organized and perpetrated by the Congress Party, the downing of KNISHKA, the Air India Flight from Canada'.

The book is well written and must be read by anyone interested in contemporary politics. The dark deeds of the rulers must be exposed an Malkani has done just that.

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