
Monday, February 19, 2024

"Conspiracy Theory" and Statecraft: The Committee of 300 and the World Order

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

John Coleman is a well known public intellectual and his name is now cropping up in discussions on YouTube in connec tion with the emerging New World Order. The other day I heard a respected Major General refer to this particular book as his authority and decided to read it and offer my reflections on the book. Let me start by saying that as a Historian I feel that conspiracy theories are not worthwhile explanations though the arrangement of facts and the structure of the narrative may preclude any other conclusion save a conspiracy. 

Dr John Coleman maintains that a poweerful group of 300 men and I may add white men, in good measure, rule the world. They are extremely wealthy and powerful and run the world through a network of Institutions and Front Organizations. The proliferation of Think Tanks and policy institutes in USA together with the influence they exert on policy making and politics in general in USA and UK also incerasingly in other parts of the world as well suggests that Dr Coleman may be on to an important feature of contemporary foreign policy. The carreer of Dr Henry Kissinger keeps coming up as the quintessential apparatachick of the faceless mega institutions. 

What do General Zia Ul Haq, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Aldo Moro have in common. Dr Coleman asserts that in all these cases Dr Kissinger vowed to make an "example of them". The General was killed in a mysterious plane crash in Pakistan, Bhutto was hanged in a Pakistani jail following a judicial verdict and Aldo Moro was kidnapped and killed by the Red Brigade, an ultra left Communist group in Italy. All of them according to Coleman paid the price for going against the dictats of the powerful Committee of 300. The problem with this explanation as any historian will point out is self validating. Conspiracies validate themselves and that is why they are called consiparcies. Zia was probably executed by his enemies inside Pakistan and Bhutto was seen as an obstacle to what is now euphemestically called the "Establishment" in Pakistan and Aldo Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigade a terrorist organization which was once close to the PLO. Oalf Palme is revealed by Coleman as an important member of the 300. His assasination on 1989 still remains murky and in India we believe that it had something to do with the  Bofors Scandal. 

Coleman tries to argue that the destruction of Nation State as the defining element of the existing world order will pave the way for the domination of the world by a self appointed elect. The sustained propaganda directed against Nationalism and Natioalists seems to hint that there is some truth in that. Accompanied by the destruction of the Nation State, the elect want a deindustrialization on a massive scale in the name of environmentalism. The sustained campaign against the Narmada Dam Project in India in the name of environmental protection is certainly symptomatic of ideological opposition to economic growth. Nationalist leadership ensured the defeat of such divisive agenda. Coleman's hypothesis that the New World Order that the 300 sought to fashion would be run by a technocratic elite of environmentalists, managers, programmers and data miners.

The growth of mega hedge fund operators like Black Rock and Vanguard has led to certain changes in the social and cultural landscape of western countries. The emphasis on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity has generated considerable pushback even in white countries. The War against Hamas launched by Israel after the barbaric October 7th massacres has led to widespread support for HAMAS across American campuses. The deep divisions have turned into racial faultlines which threaten to undermine the very base of western democracies. Wokeism may have been promoted by Soros and other leading lights of the Group of 300 but the consequences are beyond their control.

Coleman has exposed a side of Western Intelligence operations and that is welcome. The close cooperation between the five white Anglo Saxon countries--USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand--is based on perceived mutual interests. During the Cold War it was directed towards USSR. However after the disintegration of the USSR the focus has become more diffused leading to violence and chaos. Coleman repeatedly draws attention to the war crimes committed by USA during the Gulf War. The bombing of 150 000 soldiers who were retreating from Kuwait under a white flag constituted a war crime. The close links between the Intelligence and Media, particularly Washington Post and New York Times suggests that the "Free Media" amplifies the voice of the  powerful and the rich. Many of the members of the journalistic fraternity are also part of the various organs and agencies of the Committee of 300. 

This book contains a wealth of information and policy makers must be familiar with it. However in India, Coleman is taken very seriously and his construct of the Committee of 300 is seen here as the Global Deep State. The fact that Indian economy is doing well and foreign policy is on an even keel is interpreted in India as fissures within the Deep State which are opening up new possibilities and opportunities for India.  As Dr Jaishankar has shown in his book Why Bharath Matters the rise of India on the global stage  is a reflection of its civilizational strength and the confidence that follows from drwing upon the true history and heritage of India.

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