Obviously I cannot name him But recently I got the opportunity of a lifetime to meet a poet lyricist and screen play writer as the Universit or which I work decided to ive him an honorary doctorate. I think that theUniversiy honoured itself by giving this outstanding poet a degree honoris causa.
The speech that he gave after acceptiong the award was both generous in the sentiments expressed and inspiring to a large number of faculty and students who had attended the Convocation.
One thing that this great poet said struck me. On the road from Chennai Airport we got talking and he said that we in India can never relate to each other as "equals". We understand only two tyes of relationships one of "master" the other of "servant". As a nation it seems we have not learnt treat people as equals.
The large crowd that ad gathered to get his autograph shows that the tounger generation does take its cultural icons seriously. As for me I emerged richer for the experience and meeting this poet marked the high point of my long association with the University where I teach.
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