Showing posts with label Identity Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Identity Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Treason of the Intellectuals: The controversial Historian Neill Ferguson is spot on

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

Neill Ferguson, the controversial author of Empire, The Cash Nexus, The Ascent of Money, Civilization, and Doom among others, has written a devastating critique of the white/western academic or intellectual and I have embedded the link. Dr Ferguson is  never afraid to speak the truth as he sees it and therefore has the respect of people who disagree with him. For inastance his understanding of British Imperialism is woefully onesided in that he completely ignores the subjects over which the Empire ruled and seems to suggest that the motives underlying the British conquest were not totally base, even if at times loot, plunder, and violence accompanied the expansion of British arms.

Neill Ferguson has completely shattered the myth surrounding American Universites that they are safe "spaces" for Research, Teaching and independent thought. On the contrary, the Universities seem to be riven with ideological battles with the Woke Ideology of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  being used to hammer and tar all those who disagreed with this format as "White Supremists" "racists" etc. The ease with which academic debates degenerates intro personal abuse and personalised attacks is very revealing. Like the Church of the Inquisition and the Community Party under Lenin Stalin and Mao, the elect considered dissenters to be traitors unworthy of the dignity of debate and whose ideas need to be cancelled and attacked using the combined force of mob fury and administrative power. Academics particularly Historians whose discipline has always prided itself as a craft have been badly hit by the fury of Wokeism that has undermined academic freedom and the independent pursuit of truth. The Social Sciences were the first to fall prey to the ideological agenda of the Wokes. It would be wrong to call Wokeism a "Left Wing" ideology as it has jettisoned class analysis and Marxist modes of social and economic analysis for idenity politics of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Neill Ferguson has argued that after October 7th 2024, a new starand of virulent Anti Semitism has also erupted on American campuses. 

Neill Ferguson being a Historian draws a parallel with Nazi Germany when the most vocal and passionate supporters of the Nazi ideology was the Professorate in the best Universities and the credentialed professionals like Lawyers, Architects, Chemists, and Doctors. The intersectionality of ideology and profession led as Ferguson points out to carreer opportunities. Jews were dispropotionately the victims of Nazi ideology and the beneficiaries were the Germans. In a similar manner African Americans and White women have been dispropotionately benefitted from DIE based policies and once they infect academia they spread their ideology with passionate intensity which as Yeats once said was the sign of the "worst" as the best had lost  their conviction. Ferguson is now a lone voice in the wilderness. Jorden Peterson another dissident has paid an unacceptable professional price for his refusal to sign hosannas for Wokeism.

In India too we have seen all the signs of the ideological stranglehold of the Woke ideology. The systematic denigration of India and its indigenous people, the recasting of the Critical Race Theory borrowed from white sociologists into Critical Caste theory has led to the use of suspect sociological and anthropological models for studying Indian society. The main consequence of the large scale importation of white generated sociological theories into the discourse of Indian society is seen in the incited social and caste tensions that keep erupting from time to time. Groups who hold land and are dominant both in the agrarian and political landscape like the Jats, the Backward castes of Tamil Nadu and Andhra, the Yadavas of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are  just a little distance from mobilization for identity assertion. India's inability to control the Social Science theories and its agenda both political and cultural has only been met and we are not sure if this is a case of too little too late.

Neill Ferguson has written a passionate article and it must be read by all those interested in intellectual pursuit and academic freedom.

Monday, February 20, 2023

George Soros, the Politics of Disruption and engineered political change

A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books

George Soros
 George Soros is an oligarch with a wealth of around 9.5 Billion US dollars. Through his Open Society Foundation, George Soros invests in Civil Society groups and other special interest groups like farmers and the like in order to create near total chaos in target countries. The Farmers 'Protest in India last year was only one of several protests organized with "seed capital" from organizations linked to the Open Society Foundation. The anti CAA protests and the signature Shaheen Bagh protests have been linked to people who have received huge funds from the Open Society Foundation. The purpose of such protests is to create an impression before the entire world, with the help of a compromised and pliant media, that the protests are symptomatic of resentment against what they describe as "nationalistic, authoritarian" "regimes". Only non white Government are designated as "regimes" and the sub text is of complete and total demonization of the leadership, a process amplified by the captive Media.

George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, on August 12 1930 making him one a very senior oligarch. There are unconfirmed accounts that he saved himself from the Holocaust by changing his Jewish surname Schwartz to Soros and adopted the Christian religion. He seems to have collaborated with the Germans in identifying Jews and their property and if this is true he will be the most despicable of humans who being a Jew collaborated with the Germans and there is in the lexicon of the Holocaust a word to describe such individuals. Be that as it may, after the War he went to England where he studied in the London School of Economics where he came under the influence of Sir Karl Popper whose philosophy George Soros claims to be following and  his foundation is named after the most famous work of Popper, Open Society and its Enemies. We must point out that Popper wrote his classic wor against the backdrop of two huge totalitarian movement, Nazism and Communism and his life work was to sound the alarm bell if ever the world should drift towards these ideologies. Soros has quite cleverly transformed the central theme of his philosophy from Popperian attack on totalitarianism to Nationalism. Karl Popper did not attack Nationalism or the Nation State. He opposed illiberal  anti democratic ideologies and political practices which he equated with expanding and expansionist ideologies as National Socialism and Communism. George Soros is taking liberty with the very important and durable work of Karl Popper by attributing ideas to him which are contrary to his own stated positions. Such appropriation of the philosophy of Sir Karl Popper for spreading chaos and economic meltdown in parts of the world must be challenged.

George Soros has influenced events all over the world quite directly. He encouraged the establishment of Non Governmental Organizations all over Easter Europe and  provided financial support to the dissident movements in Europe, particularly in East Germany and Hungary and Romania that resulted in the fall of Soviet Union. This success was followed up by significant infusion of funds in the Arab world that resulted in the short lived Arab Spring and color revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine. The funding of protests movements and giving them both political legitimacy and international visibility through the mediation of Western media like Washington Post, New York Times and The Guardian shows that there is harmony of views between white media giants and the Soros ideological game plans. In fact these media houses and their journalists are known to receive huge subventions from the Open Society Foundation. On surface protest may appear uncoordinated and spontaneous but in reality they are planned and executed on the basis of "tool kits" produced in western capitals. 

The Open Society Foundation disburses grants worth 5 to 6 billion US dollars each year to organizations that adopt the western political and geopolitical objectives. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Climate Change activists, LGBTQ groups, and various other such entities are given funds with the main objective being to pitch them against other socio-economic groups. Thus labor rights and climate change activism come in handy to target economic plans and activities. Religious groups can be harnessed to crate disturbances in the name of "secularism" women can be encouraged to rail against "patriarchy" and of course LGBTQ is the latest arrival on the block. The fact that International Finance is in no way threatened by these protests as the failure of Occupy Wall Street Movement demonstrated very clearly. In fact white privilege and white financial hegemony over the world is being strengthened when identity politics is weaponised as is the case with George Soros and his "Open Society" foundation. 

George Soros has written a very revealing book, the Alchemy of Finance in which he outlines a pseudo scientific theory of "Reflexivity". He has forgotten the most important contribution of Sir Karl Popper: a scientific theory is open to refutation and Soros, our hero with a palindromic name, has given us a theory that is circular and self validating and therefore remains a hypothesis and not a theory. However, there is an important lesson lurking in this book. Market decisions are based on perceptions and market decisions are impacted by information as market values are not driven by economic fundamentals. Paul Krugman, the noted economist accused George Soros of triggering the collapse of the Bank of England in 1992, a collapse that saw people lose their savings and George Soros came off with a windmill profit of 1,5 Billion Pounds. Soros was convicted by the European Court for insider trading over the purchase of Societe Generale public equity. In India, the dramatic fall in the price of Adani stock has led to the conclusion that Hindenburg Report was the catalyst to bring about the "reflexivity" as Soros inelegantly puts in, in the market.

It is very clear that George Soros is targeting India and its economic potential by attacking the interests of Indian corporate houses that have to raise liquidity in western stock markets. It will be quite sometime when India can be a major player in the Global Financial Market and the attack has started. Earlier too the Press in India made huge uproar over Pegsus, the Raffale Deal and the Indian Vaccine. In all these cases funds from Soros and his Organization were deployed and the Congress Party particularly its mascot Rahul Gandhi seems to be thick with the Soros Foundation. Both politics and the market share a characteristic in common: Equilibrium and this equilibrium can easily be disturbed and that is the relevance of George Soros.

The misuse of Popper's ideas to promote the elitist conception of an oligarchy oriented politics is repugnant as it is both inhuman and anti democratic. Inciting violence and calling it democratic protests makes democracy weak. And it is sheer white arrogance on the part of men like George Soros to arrogate to themselves the right of certifying democracies. What he represents is a cabal of the financially rich oligarchs out to create mayhem in the democratic world. His support for the Black Lives Matter and the so called Antifa has made USA so unstable today that not a day passes without a mass shooting somewhere. Politics revolving around identity and sexual orientation make way for chaos, violence and authoritarianism. 

Will Soros and his cohorts in India, a band of reliable collaborators, hold overs from the bad days of UPA I and UPA II are coming out in strength to mouth the same tired lines. But 2024 will be a decisive mandate and the revulsion that most of us feel for such evil will fins expression in the ballot box.